Resources (England)

These are key resources to support local authorities with implementing a whole family approach and the duties under the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Care Act 2014 with regard to young carers and their families.

The ‘Care Act and Whole-Family Approaches’ This document aims to provide practical guidance for practitioners working in adult social care in relation to carrying out assessments and developing plans which consider the needs of the whole family…


No wrong doors: working together to support young carers and their families 

The template in this paper is a resource to help promote working together between Adult’s and Children’s social care services and enhanced partnership working with health and third sector partners…


The Young Carers’ Needs Assessment is supporting information for use in conjunction with the “No wrong doors” template for a local memorandum of understanding on work with young carers.


The Care Act: Transition from childhood to adulthood (Social Care Institute for Excellence)


The While Family Pathway (The Children’s Society)