What changes for young carers? A qualitative evaluation of the impact of dedicated support provision for young carers (Submitted article)

Phelps, D (2020). Young carers and Coronavirus. https://youngcarers.info/professionals/news/young-carers-and-coronavirus/

Phelps, D (2019), Supporting young carers: Evaluation of progress towards sustainability of the Hampshire Young Carers Alliance (HYCA) collaboration. University of Winchester.

The following two reports are particularly significant to the identification, assessment and engagement of young carers with support services and the impact of services on young carers and families:

Phelps, D (2019), Supporting young carer: Evaluation of the Hampshire Young Carers Alliance (HYCA) – Impact on young carers, University of Winchester.

Phelps, D. (2017). Supporting young carers: The provision of county-wide support for young carers, University of Winchester

Phelps D. (2017). The voices of young carers in policy and practice. Social Inclusion 5: 113–121.https://www.cogitatiopress.com/socialinclusion/article/view/965

Phelps, D, Aylward, N. (2015). Supporting Students with Caring Responsibilities: An Introduction to Ideas and Practice for Colleges to Help Student Carers Succeed in Further Education (Carers Trust and NIACE).

This practical resource is designed for use by managers and staff working in further education colleges. It will increase awareness and understanding of young adult carers and their specific needs.

Phelps, D. & Warren, S. (2015). Supporting Students with Caring Responsibilities: Ideas and Practice for Universities to Help Student Carers Access and Succeed in Higher Education England version (Carers Trust)

Mills, P., Ashley, D, Phelps, D. Warren, S. (2015). Supporting Young Carers Aged 5–8, a Resource for Professionals Working with Younger Carers (Carers Trust).

Phelps, D (2012). Commissioning Services for Young Carers and their Families (Carers Trust, 2012)

Phelps, D (2011). Preparing Young Carers’ Services for Commissioning (The Princess Royal Trust for Carers).

[These publications set out policy, guidance and a vision for delivering on the Government’s strategy. Described as ‘truly essential reading’ by the Chair of the UK government Standing Commission on Carers.]

Phelps, D., Leadbitter, H., Manzi, D. (2010). Supporting Young Carers: A Resource for Schools (The Princess Royal Trust for Carers and The Children’s Society). [This resource introduced the concept of a ‘whole school approach’ for identifying and supporting YCs. It provided resources and models of practice to develop a framework to effectively identify and support young carers and families. Its principles have been foundational in the development of a range of other resources including the national Young Carers in Schools Programme, and was cited in parliament.]