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Hello and welcome to . This is the home for professionals supporting young carers and families. If you are a young carer, young adult carer or student carer or family member, please visit the pages for young carers and families which are currently being developed. has been developed to support the development of policy and practice for young carers and their families (including young adult carers, student carers).

It aims is to:

  • Assist professionals working with and for young carers
  • Provide young carers and their families with information
  • Be a hub of resources and ideas is run by Daniel Phelps who has worked in the field of young carers for over 20 years. Daniel worked in the charity sector for 16 years, specialising in policy and practice development for children with caring responsibilities (young carers) and their families. He is Visiting Fellow at the Univerity of Winchester, a Senior Researcher at the Careum School of Health in Zurich, Switzerland  and a consultant in the field of young carers.

For further information about Daniel, please visit the:

Consultancy page

Experience page

Key publications page